Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two Web Resources

The website Job & Career Accelerator (http://www.learnatest.com/LEL/index.cfm/general) can help you not only when you are looking for a job, but also when you are deciding on a career and even a place to live.   How much does the average dental assistant make in New Jersey?  How about in New York?  The United States?  What tools and skills do you need to master?  (Actually, you classes at IHE should help you answer the last question on your own.)  Additionally, there are tutorials that help you write a resume and cover letter, complete a job application, and have a successful job interview.  There is even an “Occupation Matcher” feature that can suggest a good career path for you based on how you answer a questionnaire.

Job & Career Accelerator is one of many websites that you can use to find a job.  Today I used a website called Animoto that helped me create a music video using photos of IHE students and faculty.  You can watch this video at http://animoto.com/play/AritMqDAUtd3kiPi110cZg or make your own at http://animoto.com/.

Creating an Animoto video can be a fun way to organize pictures or create a free gift for someone.  Do you think it can it help you with your career search as well?   

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